The ideal summer vacation arrangement differs on each family’s situation. In all cases, parents should first consider the child’s best interests. It is always better if parents can agree between themselves as to ...
THE INS AND OUT OF A CUSTODY BATTLE: WHAT NOT TO DO Knowing what you should not do in a custody battle is as important as knowing what to do. If you want custody of your children, it’s important not to display cert...
Attitudes toward drugs are changing throughout the country, and many believe that the “war on drugs,” which threw so many non-violent offenders into jail, has created more problems than it solves. Still, anyo...
The cost to file for a divorce in Illinois varies from county to county, but filing fees are just the beginning. A divorce can be costly if a case has contested issues that are hard to resolve. The more the couple can ag...
If you have been charged with or are being investigated for felony drug-related crimes, the repercussions can be severe. Conviction of a felony offense means facing high fines and years of imprisonment. In addition, you ...
Murder charges generally involve an intentional killing, but if you kill someone and did not intend to do it, you might be accused of the crime of manslaughter instead. If you have been charged with this crime, you must ...
Text Messages Can Be Used as Evidence in Certain Circumstances Whether or not text messages can be used in a divorce in Illinois depends on the situation. Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, so you do not have to show ...
If you are planning to file for divorce or are a single parent, you may have questions about the courts and custody arrangements. The most common custody situation involves both parents spending quality time with the chi...
Sometimes The Little Things Matter If you are in the midst of divorce proceedings, you likely have a lot on your mind. This time of your life is particularly stressful. You see, the formal end to your relationship marks ...
If you’re charged with a crime, you’ll want to know what aggravating factors for your potential sentence are. A statute may spell out a range of possible punishments, but some facts or issues can increase your senten...