Will County Criminal Defense

If you are convicted of a crime in Will County, Illinois, the consequences may be severe and follow you for the rest of your life.  In addition to facing time in county jail or state prison and having to pay fines, you will have a criminal record that will negatively affect your educational opportunities, career, relationships, housing, and benefits.

The experienced and seasoned Illinois criminal law attorneys at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd. understand the seriousness of your situation and offer aggressive representation for clients facing criminal charges. We know the Will County courts, judges, and system and how to best plea bargain, negotiate guidelines and recognize when to take your case to trial. When we take on a criminal case, we gather information quickly and look at all viable defense options and legal strategies.  We have been successfully helping others in your situation and will do everything possible to vigorously fight for you and defend your rights.

We offer a free initial consultation.  If you have been accused of any criminal charges, get help today by calling 630-305-0222.

Felony or Misdemeanor Offense?

The Illinois Criminal Code categorizes crimes as either a misdemeanor or a felony.  Felonies are more serious, and the punishments are greater, with the possibility of high fines and years of imprisonment.

Felony crimes fall into five categories, while misdemeanors are broken into three classes, depending on circumstances of the crime.  A conviction on a felony charge usually carries a jail sentence of more than one year, and many offenses have mandatory minimum jail sentences.  A class 4 felony can be punished with imprisonment of 1-3 years and fines of up to $25,000, while a class 1 felony can be punished with imprisonment of 4-15 years and fines of up to $25,000.

Examples of class 4 felonies include Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and possession of between 30.1 and 500.0 gm of marijuana. Examples of class 1 felonies include kidnapping, sexual assault and drug possession of cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine.

People convicted of felonies are sentenced to state or federal prison, and certain felonies are punishable by death.  If a felony crime goes to federal court, the fines and time in prison for a conviction increase drastically.  For example, a class A felony can be punished with possible life imprisonment and fines of up to $250,000.

Misdemeanor criminal charges are those that have a maximum sentence of one year in jail or less, usually with no mandatory minimum jail time, and fines of up to $2,500.  Risk of jail time increases for a second or greater offense.

Misdemeanor charges include:

Crime in Will County

Violent crime in Will County rated on a scale from 1 (low crime) to 100, is 27, compared to a U.S. average of 31.1. Violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

Property crime in Will County on a scale from 1 (low) to 100, is 24. Property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson, when there is no force or threat of force against the victims. The U.S. average is 38.1.

While the crime rate in Will County is less than the national average, it is still substantial.  The greatest number of crimes occurs in the areas of burglary, larceny, and property crime.  More violent crimes, including murder, rape, robbery, automobile theft, and assault, are also common.

The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court keeps a record of all traffic, civil, and criminal cases filed and heard in Will County.  The office provides information about crimes in the county and resources for help, such as domestic violence counseling programs.

The Traffic Division is responsible for the maintenance of records and collection of fines for all cases involving Will County moving violations.  The Criminal Division has jurisdiction over criminal offenses within Will County which are punishable by imprisonment. It conducts hearings for habeas corpus and extradition in criminal matters, petitions to expunge and seal records of arrest, performing community service and all post-conviction matters, and the processing of appeals.

Put Your Trust In Us — Contact Wolfe & Stec, Ltd. For A Free Consultation

If you are accused of a crime in Illinois, you need to hire the best criminal defense attorney that you can find.  Your case may seem impossible, but with skillful representation you have a chance. Remember, the law places a heavy burden on the government, and you have to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

The criminal defense lawyers at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd. are skilled trial lawyers who believe each case is unique, with its own set of circumstances. We will aggressively explore every avenue for your defense.  We examine the facts, the individuals involved, and the evidence available, and work hand in hand with our clients throughout the criminal process. We explain all elements and processes of the case and develop an effective defense strategy. Our goal is always to minimize the negative impact of the situation and to focus on protecting your freedoms, liberties and rights.

Don’t delay — contact us for help today at 630-305-0222 if you have been accused of any criminal charges. We offer free initial consultations.

Attorney Marc Wolfe

Marc Wolfe has been representing clients in criminal matters in Chicago and the entire State of Illinois for over 30 years. Mr. Wolfe has tried over 300 cases to verdict and represents clients facing investigation or prosecution for a broad range of state and federal criminal offenses, including murder, embezzlement, sexual abuse, drugs, marijuana and white collar crimes. [ Attorney Bio ]

Recent Defense Results

After the police broke into our client’s house, we successfully suppressed the evidence and the case was subsequently dismissed.

Drugs, “Class X” Felony, Intent to Distribute

We have tried many aggravated battery and domestic batter cases. Our most recent success was our client was charged with attacking and stabbing the victim in their home. After conducting extensive discovery, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing all the factors contained in the case, we were able to get the cause dismissed.

Aggravated Domestic Battery

We handle numerous first and repeat DUIs and have excellent success in acquittals or reductions of charges with minimum impact for our clients. As members of the NACDL, we have numerous expert witnesses available to rebut the vast resources of the prosecution and receive favorable rulings.

Woodridge Illinois Law Firm

3321 Hobson Road, Suite B
Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: 630-305-0222

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