Wolf & Stec’s Darien criminal defense lawyers are well-qualified to fight for your rights if you have been arrested and charged with a crime. We appreciate the seriousness of your situation, being convicted of a crime in Illinois can result consequences that may affect you forever. Punishments, in addition to fines and time in jail time, include a criminal record that associated with you for the rest of your life. This can have a negative effect on you, your family and your friendships. It can also impact your educational and career prospects, your housing situation, and any immigration benefits to which you may be entitled.
Innocent until proven guilty is the premise on which our system operates. Unfortunately, for those accused of crimes, reality can be quite different. Your treatment by the criminal justice system can be unfair. At this difficult time, more than ever, you need all the help you can get. A Darien criminal defense attorney can help protect your rights, fight for your freedom and advocate for the justice you deserve.
Because we appreciate the situation you are in, our Darien criminal lawyers offer a free and confidential consultation. During this conversation we will gain a better understanding of the charges against you and the circumstances surrounding the reported crime. And, we will determine the best way to help you. We know the courts, the prosecutors, and the system, and can leverage our experience on your behalf. In many cases we will be successful in having the charges against you reduced or dismissed. Our goal is to keep you out of jail.
Don’t wait to contact us. Legal advice at the onset provides you the best hope for a more positive outcome. And, in fact, waiting can only make things worse. Call us today at 630-305-0222 today for your free, confidential case evaluation.
Basic legal rights are afforded to anyone arrested for a crime in Illinois and across the country. The Darien criminal defense lawyers at Wolfe & Stec ensure your rights are upheld; we will not let anyone intimidate you. As your attorneys we will
Legal punishments in Illinois are directly related to the seriousness of the crimes committed. That said, other circumstances relating to your specific case can increase your sentence. These include the existence of prior convictions or the use of weapons. In general, however, the Illinois Criminal Code categorizes crimes as either misdemeanors or felonies, with felonies being more serious and resulting in more severe punishments.
Less serious than felonies, misdemeanors may still result in harsh consequences. If convicted, it goes on your record, can result in jail time, and can affect you for the rest of your life.
Misdemeanor criminal charges are segmented into three classes carrying a maximum sentence of one year in jail, usually with no mandatory minimum jail time for most charges. Additionally, they can include fines of up to $2,500. Increased jail time is a risk for repeat offenders.
Examples of misdemeanors are:
More onerous crimes are called felonies. These are divided into five categories, based on seriousness: Class 1 through 4 and Class X. Class X felonies are the most severe while Class 4 are the least.. Prison time for Classes 1-4 may be as follows:
Class 1 felonies in Illinois include:
Convictions of felonies can result in significant punishment, including mandatory minimum jail sentences. In some situations, maximum jail sentences can exceed 30 years which may result in a lifetime of imprisonment. Additionally, fines can be considerable, up to $25,000.
When you engage a Darien criminal defense attorney you can rest assured that we will provide you a high-quality defense with a goal of obtaining a “not guilty” verdict. Should plea bargaining be possible, we will work to have your charges reduced resulting in the most lenient possible sentence.
One of Your Darien criminal defense attorney’s responsibilities is ensuring that you are aware of and understand your rights. This knowledge helps you avoid making costly mistakes than can be used against you. Your rights include:
Upon contacting the Darien criminal defense team at Wolfe & Stec, our attorneys will look for any rights violations. Should they exist we may be able to have your case dismissed before it ever gets to trial. Call us immediately at 630-305-0222 so we can begin work on your case.
Our Darien criminal defense attorneys have decades of experience. As such, they are well aware of the importance of preparation. We will work closely with you to make sure you know what to do during each step of the criminal court process, including:
A guilty verdict in Illinois can have long lasting effects on your life. The consequences are considerable. If you have been charged with a crime, it is not uncommon to be worried. There is a lot to understand. Relying on an experienced Darien criminal defense attorney can help provide you peace of mind and reduce both your anxiety and the chances of your making a mistake. We have a well-earned reputation for pursuing every avenue as we build our clients defense strategies. At Wolfe & Stec, our professionals work closely with you, keeping you informed about your case through every step of the process.
Contact our Darien criminal defense lawyers at Wolfe & Stec today at 630-305-0222. We will provide a free, confidential consultation and immediately begin fighting for your rights and your freedom. We are on your side.