We Can Defend You

A Wolfe & Stec domestic violence lawyer knows how to skillfully and successfully defend our clients against accusations of domestic abuse. We can defend you, too. Our attorneys take the time to work with you in fashioning your defense, whether you have been accused of elder abuse or spousal abuse, because we understand that every case is unique and has its own set of circumstances.

Charges of domestic abuse can encompass many different forms of assault and battery. Most commonly, domestic violence is thought of as spousal or child abuse, but our practice includes defending people accused of criminal abuse or neglect of an elderly person, aggravated battery to a child (the alleged cause of shaken baby syndrome), and violation of protection orders.

Contact a DuPage County Domestic Violence Attorney Now

If you have been accused of domestic violence, don’t wait! The sooner you contact a domestic violence lawyer, the sooner we can construct a successful defense strategy. Call us at (630) 305-0222 for a free initial consultation about your case.

At Wolfe & Stec, Ltd., we investigate each case fully and independently. Our attorneys are out-of-the-box thinkers who follow every potential line of criminal defense for our clients. We prepare each case thoroughly and are ready for trial. We will never plea bargain a case unless it is truly in our client’s best interest.

Two Sides To Every Story

Domestic violence is a serious crime, and we know that there are often two sides to every story. Perhaps your accuser is sharing one version of events, but you see things differently. You deserve to have your side of the story told. That’s what we’re here for. We will listen closely to what you have to say – what you saw, heard, said and experienced when the event allegedly took place. Were there other people present? Was the accuser drinking alcohol or using drugs? How did police behave if they were called? All of these facts are very important in establishing your defense. We’re here to listen to your side of the story.

Wrong Place At the Wrong Time

Perhaps domestic violence did take place, but you were not the person involved. You may have been at a friend’s or cousin’s house, sitting on the porch, when people began shouting. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time and had nothing to do with the dispute. We know this happens. Tempers flare, people get hurt, and you just happened to be nearby, minding your own business. Because we’ve handled these cases before, we know how to defend clients who are wrongly accused. Contact our DuPage County domestic violence attorney at (630) 305-0222 and we will listen to what you have to say.


  • How Do I Choose a DuPage County Domestic Violence Lawyer?
    You are wise to spend some time examining various domestic violence attorneys before selecting one. All attorneys are not created equal. Spend some time reviewing a law firm’s website, read the attorney bios, read reviews posted by other clients about their experience with the firm and make an initial phone call to see how well you are treated and whether the person on the other end of the line is really listening to you. The attorney you choose will have a central role in determining whether you are acquitted, receive a reduced sentence or spend a long time in prison. For a free initial consultation about your case, call a domestic violence attorney at our firm at (630) 305-0222.
  • Can You Explain Restraining Orders?
    Restraining orders in Illinois, also called protective orders, are issued by a judge and are designed to protect a person who has experienced continued or threatened stalking or domestic violence. In a criminal matter, judges can issue restraining orders immediately, based on sworn testimony of the alleged victim. Courts can put a limit on the duration of a restraining order, though a plaintiff can ask for extensions of time. The gender of a person requesting a restraining order can be male or female, though typically the majority of restraining orders are requested by women. If you have had a restraining order issued against you, then the judge is invoking laws that tell you what you can and cannot do. Often such orders restrict you from contacting another person by phone, text, email or in person, and require you to keep a certain distance away from the person at all times. It is very important to obey the terms of a restraining order, because violating these terms can complicate your defense and make it more difficult. A domestic violence attorney can advise you about the technical issues of a restraining order.
  • How Much Does a DuPage County Domestic Violence Attorney Cost?
    Costs vary widely, depending on the complexity of the case, the evidence, the time involved and the number of witnesses interviewed. Generally, domestic violence lawyers can cost upwards of $250/hour. This is a rough estimate, and each individual law firm will have its own rates. For more specific information, contact Wolfe & Stec, Ltd., and talk to one of our attorneys.
  • What If I Know I Need Help with My Anger?
    There are many anger and aggression management programs in most communities, and attending one can show a judge that you are remorseful and are attempting to deal with and take responsibility for your emotions. Acts of contrition can help in your defense under certain circumstances. To find a program, you can query “anger management programs” on the internet or reach out to community health services in your area.
  • What Are My Rights If I Have Been Accused?
    Even though you have been accused of domestic violence, you still have rights under the law. When police arrive to arrest the accused, it is almost always best to remain silent and contact a domestic violence attorney immediately. You have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. You have the right to an effective defense. You have the right to challenge your accuser’s version of events. When in custody, it is important to be polite and cooperate with corrections officers. Do not sign anything – no documents, statements or notices of any kind. Do not say anything on a jail phone that could incriminate you, and do not assume that your phone conversation is private. It isn’t. Be assured that the judge will hear about any bad behavior on your part while in custody. In many cases, you will be given the opportunity to post bond and be released after being arraigned.
  • What Legal Services Does Your Firm Offer?
    In addition to protecting the rights of people charged with domestic abuse, we also offer a vigorous criminal defense in a range of areas, including white collar crime, DUI and sex crimes.

What Types of Relationships Are Considered Domestic Violence?

The Illinois Domestic Violence Act covers violence within several types of relationships, including the following:

Spouse or ex-spouse

Individuals in a dating relationship

Parents who have a child in common

Family members related by blood

Disabled or elderly adult and caregiver

Parent and child

Stepparent and child

Current or former roommates who live in the same dwelling.

As families and living arrangements become more complex and inter-generational, the incidences of domestic violence can also become more complicated.

What Are Some Potential Defenses?

In domestic violence scenarios, things often happen quickly and there’s a lot of noise and confusion. It can be unclear who started a dispute, who is the aggressor and who is the victim. Here are a few potential defenses if you have been accused of domestic violence:
  • Self-Defense – You were attacked or hit by the other person, and you were just attempting to defend yourself.
  • Defending Another Person – The other person was the aggressor and you were simply trying to defend a third party from harm – be it a child, neighbor or aging parent.
  • He/She Lied – The other person is fabricating the story about the domestic abuse for their own agenda.
  • It Was an Accident – The bruises or injuries suffered by the other person were the result of an accidental fall, stumble or other mishap.
  • Police Cannot Prove – You may or may not have engaged in domestic violence, but police do not have the evidence to prove abuse beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Mutual Combat – Both you and your accuser were striking out at each other. Both parties inflicted harm on the other, and both parties received harm. It resulted from mutual temper or aggression.
This is not an exhaustive list of potential defenses; these are just some examples. A skilled DuPage County domestic abuse lawyer can listen to your account of events, ask pertinent questions, and formulate the best defense available based on the facts.

Wolfe & Stec, LTD. Can Help

As you can see, there are many moving parts to a domestic violence charge, and that’s why you don’t want to face these charges alone. You need a skilled domestic violence attorney by your side to ensure that you don’t make mistakes in legal proceedings, do not say things that can be used against you in court and do not play into the prosecutor’s hands. Wolfe & Stec domestic violence attorneys have many years of experience defending others who have been in your shoes. We know how to craft a formidable defense. Call us to discuss your situation at (630) 305-0222.

What’s the Legal Definition of Domestic Violence in Illinois?

For the purpose of getting a restraining order, domestic violence is defined as any of the following actions:
1. Physical Abuse – includes physical force or restraint, repeated sleep deprivation, sexual abuse, threat of physical harm.
2. Harassment – includes stalking, repeated phone calls, repeatedly disturbing a person at work or school, loitering outside a person’s home, workplace or other frequently visited locations.
3. Deprivation – includes denying a disabled or elderly person the food, medication, shelter or other medical services needed to thrive.
4. Intimidation of a Dependent – includes an abuser's forcing a dependent to witness or participate in violence against a third party. Dependent can be a child, a disabled person, the elderly or someone else dependent on the abuser for shelter or care.
5. Interference with Personal Liberty – includes preventing another person from doing something they have a right to do or forcing a person to do something they don’t want to do.

Our attorneys are skilled in a wide range of criminal defense matters.

If you have been accused of domestic battery in Cook or DuPage County, contact the criminal defense attorneys at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd., in Chicago and Woodridge, Illinois, to protect your rights.

We understand that there are two sides to every story, and clients can be wrongly accused. That’s why we listen closely to what you have to say, review police reports and dig up evidence that can give us a clear picture of events. You are entitled to an aggressive defense, and you should not settle for less. Don’t count on a tired and overworked public defender to give you the skilled defense that you deserve. Contact our DuPage County domestic violence attorneys at (630) 305-0222 so we can start to build a formidable defense for you.

Illinois domestic violence lawyer providing representation for domestic violence and spousal abuse allegations, domestic battery charges, assault and battery arrest, child abuse charges and elder abuse allegations to clients throughout Illinois.

Client Reviews

Fabulous & Straight Forward - Very Easy to Work With

Natalie is incredibly qualified and knowledgeable in her field. She is a straight shooter and gets the job done. When it comes to your case and the direction to take she is honest, ethical, and trustworthy. There was never a question as to where we were in the process or where we were going. I trusted her with my case - completely. She was very easy to work with and kept me apprised of upcoming court dates and details regarding discussions with OC. I highly recommend Natalie as an attorney. 5 out of 5 stars

Worth Every Penny

Natalie is very quick to get back to me with any concerns that I may have. She keeps me informed on court dates and any hearings or work she's done. She's smart when it comes to the law. 5 out of 5 stars

Handling Long-Distance Visitation

November 4, 2024 / Child Custody

Working out a shared parenting time schedule can be difficult under the best of circumstances, but when long distances are involved, it becomes much more complex. The schedule of visitation should depend on the child’s age, the needs of the child, and what works for the parents. Illinois child visitation guidelines are flexible; as long … Continue reading Handling Long-Distance Visitation

Woodridge Illinois Law Firm

3321 Hobson Road, Suite B
Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: 630-305-0222

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