Illinois Proposes Revenge Porn Ban
The growing popularity of creating revenge porn and posting it online has led to an Illinois legislator to propose a new bill that would ban revenge porn in the state. What exactly is revenge porn? Revenge porn is when someone posts sexually explicit images, videos or other materials online of their ex. Most cases of revenge porn involve someone trying to hurt their ex or get them back.
The increase in revenge porn being posted online led to the proposed bill as well as the fact that Illinois bans sexual explicit photos of a minor online but there are no laws regarding photos of adults. The bill would make revenge porn a Class 4 felony to post nude or sexually explicit pictures of someone else online without his or her permission. The bill also states it would be illegal to charge a fee to remove the pictures from the Internet.
Individuals convicted of the proposed bill could face harsh penalties. The maximum penalty for this crime would be a $25,000 fine and a maximum of three years in prison. The bill states that judges would have the discretion to give a lesser sentence depending on each case.
The legislators proposing the bill said there are no current laws that deter people from creating and posting revenge porn online, despite the devastating impact it can have on victims. They said this bill would allow the state to address the growing problem of revenge porn and hopefully deter others from committing this crime.
If the bill is passed, anyone charged and convicted of producing revenge porn could face hefty penalties, including time in prison.
Source: Chicagoist, “Illinois State Senator Proposes Ban on Revenge Porn,” Jon Graef, Feb. 2, 2014
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