Millennials Drive Down Divorce Rate
The divorce rate in the United States has been high for decades, but now, thanks to millennials, marriages today have a greater chance of lasting than they have for years.
According to United States Census Bureau statistics, people under 45 are helping drive down the divorce rate. In addition, a new study by University of Maryland professor Philip Cohen shows that the U.S. divorce rate dropped by 18 percent from 2008 to 2016, and that this downward trend is due to fewer divorces among younger people.
These statistics contrast with the high divorce rate still prevalent among older couples. Baby boomers, even those in their 60s and 70s, continue to divorce at unusually high rates. According to Bowling Green’s National Center for Family and Marriage Research, from 1990 to 2015, the divorce rate doubled for people aged 55 to 64 and tripled for those over 65.
Divorce, dividing property, spousal support and other family law issues are emotionally charged issues that are life-changing for people of every age. If your marriage is troubled to the point where divorce is a consideration, it makes sense to consult an experienced family law attorney to help you through this difficult time and keep you from making costly mistakes.
The seasoned and compassionate Illinois family law attorneys at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd. always focus on our clients’ needs and feelings, and we work to clarify and resolve the financial and emotional issues they are facing in the most effective and efficient manner. We offer a free consultation to help you find the best solution for your individual situation. Call or contact us online today for your free consultation.
Why the lowered divorce rate among millennials?
There are many reasons why the divorce rate has been trending downward among younger people. These include:
- Millennials are waiting longer to get married. While it was common for boomers to marry young and start families quickly, millennials are waiting to finish their education, get established in their careers, and have money in the bank before tying the knot. Cohen’s study showed that newly married women are now more likely to have BA degrees or higher education and less likely to be under age 25.
- Marriage is becoming more exclusive in terms of socioeconomics. People are waiting to achieve a certain status and stability in their lives before getting married, instead of rushing to do so regardless of where they are in life and what they can afford. The study suggests that fewer people are getting married in general, that couples are waiting until they’re more economically stable to do so, and some poorer Americans might not marry at all and just live together, even after having children.
- Millennials are more deeply invested in commitment and have the example of the failure of older generations’ relationships. Gen Xers and millennials are pickier and don’t feel pressured to get into an early marriage. They don’t want to go through the struggles and multiple marriages and divorces leading to broken homes and families that many boomers did, perhaps including their own parents. Instead, millennials tend to commit to their partners and attempt to work out their problems.
- Millennials listen to science. Science has shown that, bilogically, the human brain doesn’t fully mature until about age 25. Prior to that, immature brains can make impulsive choices that they later regret. The needs people have when they are young change as they age, so qualities that make a good dating partner differ from those that are conducive to building a stable marriage and raising a family.
Despite any statistics and trends, if you find yourself in a situation where you are contemplating divorce, it pays to have experienced legal guidance from the very beginning to help you fight for a beneficial settlement and security. The skilled Illinois divorce and family law attorneys at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd. know the laws, the courts and the system and can guide you through every aspect of the divorce process. Our attorneys will work closely with you to perform a thorough analysis of your financial and situation and will assist you in determining what additional experts may be needed to protect your future and that of your children.
We believe it is best to deal with divorce issues amicably and settle outside of court if possible. However, if necessary, we will aggressively represent our clients’ interests in court.
Delaying can only make your situation worse. For a free initial consultation with an experienced and compassionate Dupage County attorney, contact us online or call our offices today.